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Hyperloop Propulsion Methods

Hyperloop will travel at speeds similar to those of an airplane. Read all about the propulsion systems that could be used to obtain this speed.

The Use of Composites for the Hyperloop Tube

By Jules Dock and Delft Hyperloop – Investigating the potential of composite tubes for the hyperloop.

The Importance of Aerodynamics in a Near Vacuum

By Delft Hyperloop – Despite the near vacuum environment, complex aerodynamics are involved when hyperloop pods travel at full speed.

Tube to Station Vacuum Interface

By Delft Hyperloop – How to move from a near-vacuum tube environment and back with a passenger pod.

A Closer Look at the Infrastructure Costs

By Delft Hyperloop – The total cost of the hyperloop system is an important factor that determines if the hyperloop can be realized in the future.

Variable Tube Pressure: A New Concept

By Delft Hyperloop – Reducing the energy consumption of the hyperloop by a small amount, only by changing the air pressure inside the tube.

The Underground Potential of the Hyperloop system

By Delft Hyperloop – Considerations for the design of the Hyperloop tube system.